How to Apply Contour Like a Goddess

How to Apply Contour Like a Goddess

No other makeup trend has taken over the past decade like contouring. In fact, when Kim Kardashian tweeted a photo of herself in 2012 following a session with her makeup artist, few people could have guessed that contouring would take off as it did.

Years later, contouring is still here to stay, but if you don't do it right, you'll end up looking like you just stepped off the hot mess express.

Are you curious about contour, A-List babes? It takes some effort, but it can be a game-changer in the way your makeup looks.

Keep reading to learn how to apply contour even if you're a total newbie to makeup.

The Basics of How to Apply Contour for Beginners

Contour can help you change your face so that the overall shape is altered. You have to be strategic about the placement in order to get the full effect.

Because contour is at least one shade darker than your natural skin, you need to pay attention to where the hollow areas of your face are as well. You want light at the center of your face, and you want dark at the edges of your face.

Remember that there is not a perfect face shape and everyone is a little different. It also takes a lot of practice to get good at contouring, so be sure to spend some time getting the skills down at home before you plan to wear it out!

Pay Attention to Your Face Shape

Contour is all about using light and shade to change the way your face looks. Applying products to different parts of the face will impact whether your face looks more round, more chiseled, or more sculpted. This is why face shape matters so much.

The classic way to get started as a beginner is to apply the contour with a makeup brush in the shape of a 3. To do this, you would sweep the contour along your hairline, then loop around under your cheekbone, and loop one more time under the jaw.

Once you get that down, you can start to research more about your face shape and how to contour in specific places for whatever effect you're going for.

How to Find the Right Shade

If you're going for a more natural look, it's best to choose a contour that is just one shade darker than the foundation you use. For more drama, go two shades darker.

Always make sure to choose contour shades that have a cooler, more ashy undertone. Think grey rather than bronze. This may seem like it doesn't make sense, but it is the best way to complement the natural shading you have in different lighting.

Always remember to blend out the contour when you're done.  You don't want any harsh lines.

Don't Forget to Face Highlight

Powder highlighters are the easiest to apply, but you can also try highlighters (or contours!) that are in cream or liquid form. These take more time to apply and blend out, but they may last longer and add a bit more drama to that A-List babe look!

You can use a concealer that is one shade lighter than your foundation to highlight, or you can buy a highlighter that has some shimmer and shine to it. Apply the highlighter near the contour in areas that you want to attract attention or slim down, but never blend them together; you want to create a stark contrast in these areas.

Reshape Your Face With the Power of Makeup

Now that you have a better idea of how to apply contour the right way, you're on track to creating the makeup look you want. You can reshape your face with contour and highlight for added drama or just for a more natural, appealing appearance.

Try some experimenting yourself at home to get started! Don't stop practicing, and remember that everyone's face is a little different. Enhance YOUR natural features instead of trying to copy someone else.  You look fabulous, girlfriend!

Once you've got your makeup down, take a look at our collection to freshen up your wardrobe to complete your style!

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